Money Laundering Charges

Houston Money Laundering Charges Lawyer

Companies and individuals engaged in seemingly innocent business activities might find themselves targeted
by state or federal prosecutors in connection with money cleaning charges. The prosecutions usually
originate with investigations into drug crimes or drug manufacturing or activities
associated with organized crime.

Charges of Money Laundering in Texas

Laundering money begins with the placement of revenue from illegal activities into the commerce stream.
The money is systematically transferred or moved in a way that is designed to hide its original illegal
source. If done correctly, money washing results in funds that are free from any trace of their
illegal origins and can be integrated or used without fear of detection.

According to the Texas Penal Code, it is a crime to invest, expend or receive money from
illegal activities with the intention of furthering the criminal activity.

A person can also face charges for illegally obtained money by engaging in any of the following activities with respect to the funds from a criminal enterprise:

  • Acquiring
  • Maintaining an interest
  • Concealing
  • Transporting
  • Possessing
  • Transferring

Criminal money cleaning charges frequently involve the use of corporations created solely to shield the illegal sources of the money by moving it between multiple layers of shell corporations.

Legitimate businesses that handle large amounts of cash can be used to move illegally obtained funds along with the legitimate cash proceeds of the business.

Penalties for Washing Money

In Texas, the laundering of funds is a type of felony crime. The sentence that a judge is authorized to
impose upon a person convicted of the crime depends upon the amount
of money involved in the cleaning scheme.

The following are sentencing ranges for different charges:

  • Laundering amount from $1,500 to $20,000: State jail felony punishable by incarceration from 180 days to two years and a $10,000 fine
  • Laundering amount from $20,000 to $100,000: Third-degree felony punishable by incarceration from two to 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine
  • Laundering amount from $100,000 to $200,000: Second-degree felony punishable by incarceration from two to 20 years in prison and a $10,000 fine
  • Laundering amount in excess of $200,000: First-degree felony punishable by incarceration from five to 99 years or life in prison and a $10,000 fine

Defenses for Charges of Fund Laundering

Houston criminal defense attorney Rand Mintzer knows from his years of defending the rights of fund washing defendants that prosecutors must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused knew of the illegal nature of the activity generating the money.

The intentions and knowledge of the accused are key elements that prosecutors must establish and which money laundering attorneys can challenge to weaken the cases against their clients.


If you are under investigation for washing or cleaning crimes, a skilled and knowledgeable defense attorney can help you to avoid mistakes that can strengthen the prosecutor’s case against you.

Before talking to investigators or prosecutors, make an appointment with Rand Mintzer, Attorney at Law by calling 713-862-8880.

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